vineri, 13 februarie 2009

Inainte de V's Day

Jose Padilla-adios ayer
De pe aici

26 de comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

mai traiesti? nu tu bjj, nu tu mess, nu nimic:)

Anonim spunea...

Cu scuzele de rigoare ca te contactam asa, dar deocamdata este o modalitate buna. Speram sa nu ne arunci intr-un colt.Apelam la oameni inteligenti si cunoscuti in blogosfera. Dupa ce vei citi acest comunicat, daca ai disponibilitatea sa te inscrii ar fi ok si cred ca ti-ar placea sa fii si un promotor al blogosferei bucurestene. Poate ne contactezi pe mail ( )sa discutam. Poti chiar sa ai propriul eveniment despre ceva anume …depinde doar de tine.
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Pe 30 mai sărbătorim Ziua Bloggerilor Bucureşteni (ZBB). Vor avea loc concerte, video-proiecţii, târguri de blogging, expoziţii, vânzări de produse ale bloggerilor, petreceri etc.
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Trimiteti mai departe mesajul sa circule in blogosfera. Multumim"

Nu este o competitie unde premiile se dau dinainte, vor fi doar oameni destepti reactiile pozitive deja au inceput sa apara:

Romanticu spunea...

Dedicatie la toate fetele de pa situl asta care e beton si cel mai tare si pentru toti baieti din partea mea

Gabi spunea...

ati disparut toti.tu,andress,fata care nu iubeste..

Radu spunea...

Buna ziua,

As fi interesat de un link-exchange intre si blogul dvs. Daca sunteti interesat astept un email pe

Cu respect,
Ursu Radu

(Dupa vizualizare as avea rugamintea ca acest comentariu sa fie sters)
PS: Va rog includeti link-ul si titlul dorit pentru a va adauga.

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Anonim spunea...

Multumesc mult pentru minunatul articol. Tot ce ai discutat aici este foarte important.

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True North Crypto spunea...

It may not be unnecessary to inform the reader, that the following Reflections had their origin in a correspondence between the Author and a very young gentleman at Paris, who did him the honour of desiring his opinion upon the important transactions, which then, and ever since, have so much occupied the attention of all men. An answer was written sometime in the month of October, 1789; but it was kept back upon prudential considerations. That letter is alluded to in the beginning of the following sheets. It has been since forwarded to the person to whom it was addressed. The reasons for the delay in sending it were assigned in a short letter to the same gentleman. This produced on his part a new and pressing application for the Author’s sentiments.

Edmund Burke, "Reflections on the Revolution in France", 1.1

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Anonim spunea...

THE clamour excited by the present work has not surprised me, and hence it has not in the least moved me from my position. On the contrary, I have once more, in all calmness, subjected my work to the severest scrutiny, both historical and philosophical; I have, as far as possible, freed it from its defects of form, and enriched it with new developments, illustrations and historical testimonies, — testimonies in the highest degree striking and irrefragable. Now that I have thus verified my analysis by historical proofs, it is to be hoped that readers whose eyes are not sealed will be convinced and will admit, even though reluctantly, that my work contains a faithful, correct translation of the Christian religion out of the oriental language of imagery into plain speech. And it has no pretension to be anything more than a close translation, or, to speak literally, an empirical or historico-philosophical analysis, a solution of the enigma of the Christian religion.

Ludwig Feuerbach, "Essence of Christianity ", p.1

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